Investigators are looking more closely at auto repair shops and recycling businesses that purchase stolen catalytic converters.
Inspections of dozens of vehicle repair shops throughout the Inland Empire turned up more than 100 stolen catalytic converters and resulted in 28 arrests, authorities said Thursday.
Catalytic converter thefts skyrocketed during the pandemic across Southern California. A number organized theft rings have been taken down, but the Vehicle Dismantler Industrial Strike Team — a task force made up of investigators from the DMV and law enforcement officers from Chino Hills, Chino, Upland, Montclair, Ontario and San Bernardino — recently focused its efforts on the automotive repair shops and recycling facilities that are purchasing the stolen catalytic converters.
The strike team conducted business inspections at 64 automotive repair shops and recycling facilities, looking specifically for suspected stolen catalytic converters. Twenty-eight arrests were made, and 112 catalytic converters seized as a result of the inspections, according to San Bernardino County sheriff's Sgt. Ian Golditch.
Four citations were also issued by the Department of Toxic Substance Control for environmental violations.Thanks for reading CBS NEWS.Please enter valid email address to continue