Nature research paper: 700,000 years of tropical Andean glaciation
3in the sediment core, the removal of all CaCOresults in an underestimation of the total detrital flux during intervals of high clastic input, and this, in turn, reduces the amplitude of change in clastic flux between intervals of high and low glacigenic sediment input. Although we do not explicitly remove the bSiOfor all 65 facies samples is 0.92 ± 1.12% , and—thus—is negligible.
These largely negative inclination values are consistent with, and/or are slightly shallower than, predicted inclination values for normal polarity of −21°, assuming a geocentric axial dipole field. Consistent relative declination values of 157°, 183°, 157° and 154°, respectively, suggest that the shallower inclination values deeper in the core reflect normal secular variation rather than variability driven by proximity to the Brunhes–Matuyama polarity reversal.