And it could roll out within 18 months.✈️🧐
"We managed to produce such an extremely low density by using a liquid combination of graphene oxide and a polymer, which are formed with whipped air bubbles and freeze-casted," said Meo in the report."On a very basic level, the technique can be compared with whipping egg whites to create meringues — it's solid but contains a lot of air, so there is no weight or efficiency penalty to achieve big improvements in comfort and noise.
The researchers' next focus will involve collaborations with aerospace firms, to execute tests on the new material as a functioning sound insulator for real-life jet engines. But the material might also work for and in , respectively. Most crucially, the engineers at Bath believe the aerogel might see use in jet aircraft within 18 and sustainable solutions to established industries
like air- and ground-based transportation to reduce and eventually eliminate carbon emissions, engineers and officials have an opportunity to make additional adjustments to the machines that keep the world turning. Noise pollution doesn't exactly threaten the habitability of Earth, but it is harmful to human ears, to say nothing of the way it masks the subtler sounds of nature, which can affect the mental health and conventional behavior of not only humans, but animals, too.