Members are now exploring the possibility of putting a measure on the April 2024 ballot that would create a system of public restrooms across Anchorage.
The latest digital headlines from Alaska's News Source.ANCHORAGE, Alaska - The need for more public restrooms across Anchorage is something that has been touted for years by local businesses, tourists, and residents, according to the Assembly.
“You have to run into a building to go use a restroom, but some buildings don’t let you go in and use the restroom unless you’re buying something in there,” Anchorage resident Alice said.“When you’re downtown and you’re older like me and have to go, finding a public bathroom is a chore,” he said. According to language in the proposal increased access to public bathrooms will, “offsets demand for, and associated costs with, the public using businesses’ and organizations’ restrooms, from routine cleaning to repairing damage from misuse.”