Several villages in Malang Regency experiencing a clean water crisis have received assistance. Several other villages have begun to apply for the same assistance.
The following article was translated using both Microsoft Azure Open AI and Google Translation AI. The original article can be found inThe Disaster Management Agency officials of Malang Regency, East Java, distributed clean water to the residents of Klampok Village, Singosari District, on Sunday .
Apart from those two villages, there is another request for water assistance from Kedungbanteng, Sumberagung, and Sumbermanjing Wetan villages in the Sumbermanjing Wetan sub-district. In addition, Kemiri and Jabung villages also requested assistance. According to the plan, water distribution to the newly requested villages will start today.
However, based on field research, the number of drought-prone areas is estimated to be less at the moment due to the addition/improvement of clean water facilities by the relevant agencies in those areas in recent years. "Water is used for cooking, bathing, and other daily needs, including giving livestock drinking water," he said. According to him, it has been quite a while since it rained in the hilly region of southern Malang."