President JoeBiden on Tuesday compared former President Donald Trump to President Herbert Hoover as the only two presidents to leave office with fewer jobs than when they started.
The comparison between Trump and Hoover, who is infamously linked to the Great Depression that led to the rise of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, came during a speech to union members in Philadelphia."We've come a long way in a short time," he said before members of the AFL-CIO."Can you remember what our economy looked like before we took office? Three thousand Americans were dying every day from COVID. Twenty million Americans had lost their jobs under the last guy.
"In fact, so many Americans lost their jobs that my predecessor became just the second president in history to leave office with fewer jobs in America than when he took office," Biden said."The other one, by the way, was Herbert Hoover." The president alluded to long lines of cars waiting for boxes of food in 2020, the same year that America created more billionaires than any other year in history.