Brazilian artist Beatriz Milhazes’s lush, high-ceilinged Rio de Janeiro studio will give you extensive workspace envy:
Inside her Rio de Janeiro studio, Brazilian artist Beatriz Milhazes works in silence—but her studio is anything but a refuge from the outside world. Milhazes’s works overflow with the colors, shapes, and sensations of her homeland, from its towering mountains and turquoise oceans to its bustling cities.
It is also essential to have good and proper light in the studio and a cozy atmosphere; it is my second home or even my first…What is the studio task on your agenda tomorrow that you are most looking forward to?To finish a work, deciding that it is ready is a crucial moment, a highly defying one; the moment of the “final dot.”
What kind of atmosphere do you prefer when you work? Do you listen to music or podcasts, or do you prefer silence? Why?