The latest allegations revolve around...a deputy-and-inmates love triangle?
revealed that one of its own had been fitted for cuffs: Deputy Carley Jackson, who faces five criminal counts, including bribery and official misconduct. She's accused of giving a lighter to an inmate in the hope that he wouldn't tell authorities about flirtatious note-passing between them. Turns out that she already had a significant other — a different prisoner she'd met in jail.
In sharing Jackson's charging documents, the DCSO stressed that"no other information is being released at this time." However,procured her arrest affidavit, which reveals that a March 11 search of a housing unit at the jail turned up a slew of prohibited items — but Jackson is said to have omitted mention of a disposable lighter that was part of the collected bounty.
Jail contraband has been a hot topic of late. On May 27, the Northern Colorado Drug Task Force and the Larimer County Sheriff's Office revealed the