All that money you’re supposed to pay electricity companies for ice storm expenses may not happen. A court ruling could force repricing of up to 55 billion...
Texas Supreme Court Justices face a test. Should the state redo the corporate bailouts after the 2021 ice storm? Or should judges leave everything as is causing us to pay back bonds for 20 or 30 years on our electric billsBefore I show how Texans could see a dramatic reduction in their monthly electric bills, The Watchdog has another electricity-related matter I want to share.
Why do I bring this up? Texas has an opportunity to dump this Soviet mentality with one of the most important electricity cases theThe Texas Supreme Court heard arguments recently in a case in which a group of electricity companies are asking the PUC to “unwind” or “reprice” the bailouts. If the high court approves, the strands of this giant ball would get unraveled or unwinded. It could mean that the more than $2 billion in electricity-related bonds would be paid off now, rather than in 20 or 30 years.Electricity companies and co-ops, which in most cases are passing the bond repayments on to us via our monthly bills, could halt that new practice of charging storm fees.