Kristian Lopez joined Kristian Lopez joined the Denver 7 team in January 2022 as a morning reporter. She was born and raised in Northern California.the Denver 7 team in January 2022 as a morning reporter. She was born and raised in Northern California.
DENVER — Sunday is National Sopapilla Day, and what better place to celebrate than the iconic Casa Bonita?
"We didn't change the recipe. The only thing we changed was we wanted people who are vegetarian and vegan to be able to eat it, so instead of lard we use shortening," Rodriguez said."When we reopened this place we went to the bank and they told us that all of the money that comes from Casa Bonita is called 'honey money' because every single thing is sticky with honey."Rodriguez said being a part of the reopening has been a dream come true for her.
Now, the restaurant is still only open to those with tickets. However, Rodriguez said they've been able to open for more days during the week and offer lunch service as well as dinner service.