Despite his criticisms of the Biden administration, Fox News anchor Chris Wallace said he thinks Press Secretary Jen Psaki is 'one of the best press secretaries ever,' during a segment on Friday's White House press briefing.
Psaki said that Biden has become "well-versed" in every aspect of the country's immigration system throughout his political career, has traveled to Mexico and Central America during his tenure as vice president, and has worked on bipartisan immigration reform.
"He does not need a visit to the border to know what a mess was left by the last administration. That's his view," Psaki said, adding that Biden did do a drive through visit in 2008. Doocy followed up and asked: "Does that count as a visit? He said 'I've been there before.' You're saying he drove by, does that count as a visit?"
In response, Psaki said Biden does not need to visit the border for a "photo op," something she said former President Donald Trump was focused on. She added that Biden's approach to immigration reform will be different than Trump's.
"And since I was working in the press corps when Sam Donaldson was there, that's a very grudging compliment on my part,"Wallace said he doesn't know if "anything was particularly accomplished" from the exchange but that Doocy and Psaki both "gave and got pretty good."Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions.