Range anxiety is real, but new online tools like A Better Routeplanner can help EV drivers conquer their fears.
[Note: normally when referencing a forum thread, it is customary to link to the profile of each poster. I have chosen not to do that for the sake of easy reading and clarity. However, the link to the discussion is posted above so that any reader who wishes to can go to the forum and retrieve that information. Thank you for your indulgence.]
“So in terms of using battery operated equipment, with my car I’ve was thinking I’d be uncomfortable dropping below 30%, and felt it necessary to charge up to 100% . For this reason I’ve never attempted a road trip before. I’m thinking I’d need to drive with ~70 miles reduced range, and expecting to take well over an hour each time I need to recharge.
“But most importantly using A Better Route Planner during my trip taught me that my fear of 30%, and my desire for 100%, are both absurd. I was able to finish my trip with only 30 min of killed time by pushing my battery down to an 8% target , and unplugging my car around 70% ±10%.