As allergy season collides with yet another rise in COVID-19 cases nationwide, deciphering the difference between symptoms of the coronavirus and allergies can be tricky.
in COVID-19 cases nationwide, deciphering the difference between symptoms of the coronavirus and allergies can be tricky. So how can you tell the difference between the two?
"The pollen counts are up throughout the country, and the symptoms can be quite similar," board certified allergist, pediatrician and immunologist Dr. Anjuli Mehrotra told CBS News' Vladimir Duthiers and Nancy Chen Thursday. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, common symptoms between seasonal allergies and COVID can include cough, headache and tiredness.
Seasonal allergies do not usually cause shortness of breath, which is a symptom consistent with COVID, unless the person has a respiratory condition like asthma. Allergies also do not typically cause a fever, chills, body aches or a loss of taste or smell, which are all common symptoms of COVID-19. Meanwhile, COVID does not usually cause sneezing, itchy or watery eyes, a runny or stuffy nose, or sore throat, which are common allergies symptoms, the CDC says. & seasonal allergies share some symptoms, but not others. Use this chart to compare the symptoms of COVID-19 & seasonal allergies so you can tell the difference.