We are very aware that meeting other partners could happen. I don't want to speak for Lindsay, but I'm fairly certain she would agree that our priority is our imminent child.
We need to look after their wellbeing first, and then work everything else out around that. At the moment, we're dealing with the"now" but I hope we haven't written off meeting partners because we are co-parenting. However, I am also well aware that saying that I have a child I am platonically co-parenting with a friend might put some people off!
Lindsay is a lovely, lovely person. We work really well as friends and I'm confident we will work really well as co parents. We are quite different in lots of ways. For example, we know that we don't always communicate as well as we could. But even that has its positives, because we are aware of it and we're always working on it.
Truthfully, I don't know if there is less pressure as parents because we don't have a romantic relationship. But a few people I know have wondered. Theoretically you could look at the thousands of couples who have been forced into co-parenting right now because of a breakdown in their romantic relationship.
Lindsay and I are both very happy and very comfortable with the decision we have made. I have not regretted it for a second. If everything works out, this will be the best idea I've ever had.Dance Party. Find out more