An influencer is having a gas.
“It can also be a sign of things like constipation, eating things that are difficult to digest and irritable bowel syndrome,” Sooj said. Some said they farted way above the average amount.“I fart over 100 times a day,” said another user.On average, people fart between five and 15 times a day.Others thought it might be fun to give a detailed description of their gassy habits.Ali wrote: “Better out than in I say.
“Proven fact that pretty girls let off the most frequent and worst farts i don’t make the rules,” said Nin. A married woman recently went viral for revealing that her husband called her flatulence “absolutely revolting” — after only farting once in front of him during their nine-year relationship.that she was aware of his distaste for inappropriate public displays of bodily functions, namely burping and passing wind.
“After hearing his very strong thoughts on the topic, I made a mental note to ensure my own expelling of gas was done in a very private matter and contained within the bathroom and toilet or until he was not around to hear it,” she wrote. That is, until one night, her “guard was down” and the “post-pizza gasses” came back to haunt her. Lying in bed next to her husband, she accidentally let one rip — and was met with a disgusted look.
“Farting is the most unladylike thing a woman can do, especially in front of her husband,” he told her at the time, calling it “revolting.”around her boyfriend, earning her a trip to the emergency room due to the pain. Clinicians discovered her appendix had burst, leading the poor girl to believe it was due to her holding in her farts. had dangerous gas buildup because she couldn’t let it rip, claiming she wasn’t on “farting terms” with her significant other.