An Apple Watch alerted a Maine woman to a condition that led doctors to finding a deadly tumor she didn't know that she had.
says he thinks the company’s contributions to the fields of health and wellness, even more so than the iPhone, will represent the company’s “greatest contribution to mankind,” here’s a perfect example of what he’s talking about. An Apple Watch owner in Maine thoughtwas broken, because it told her she was experiencing atrial fibrillation two nights in a row.
The third night? The same reading, so she decided to go to the emergency room for some peace of mind. If it turned out to be nothing, she fully intended to throw her Apple Watch away.Turns out, the watch was giving her an atrial fibrillation reading, because of a symptom-less tumor she didn’t know that she had. One that would have almost certainly led to a life-threatening stroke.
“Doctors in Maine soon confirmed that her heart was beating erratically for a simple and scary reason,”