When Lara Logan, once a 60 Minutes correspondent, shared an openly anti-Semitic conspiracy theory on a QAnon-adjacent online show last Thursday, her remarks were swiftly condemned—but for her, at least lately, they weren’t shocking.
correspondent, shared an openly anti-Semitic conspiracy theory on a QAnon-adjacent online show last Thursday, her remarks were swiftly condemned—but for her, at least lately, they weren’t shocking. “Does anyone know who employed Darwin, where Darwinism comes from? Look it up: the Rothschilds,” Logan said oninvolving the Jewish banking family turned business dynasty.
The Anti-Defamation League , a Jewish civil rights organization, unpacked Logan’s remarks in a statement toon Tuesday. “It’s deeply disturbing, but not surprising, that Fox Nation host Lara Logan is promoting tired, age-old anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about Jews,” said ADL CEO“Journalists have a responsibility to report the news accurately and factually.