Letters to the Editor — State of the Union, Dallas Convention Center, teacher pay, animals | Opinion
On Tuesday night, the president offered to work with Republicans for all Americans so we can all share in the benefits of being a strong and successful democratic country. The Republicans responded with a divisive message suggesting there are two types of people in America, normal and crazy.
I have almost always voted Republican until the first defection in 2016 when neither of the presidential candidates met my standards for high office. I am concerned that this childish, boorish behavior is becoming the standard for office. To those members of Congress I request, do better.Re: “A day of renewal for Dallas — Investment in a better city begins today, with unveiling of plans for convention center, Fair Park,” Tuesday editorial.
Look where conventions book: Las Vegas, Chicago, Orlando, Fla., and San Diego. Now ask, was that because they had a better convention hall?Re: “Teacher pay could test legislators — Proposal could bring salary conversation to the front of the classroom,” Tuesday Metro & Business story. One would think a block of over 350,000 employees could get better prices on health care. That would be a major perk for the profession.
That quote demonstrates their total lack of understanding about airline safety. Unlike motorists in Dallas, airlines delay or cancel flights during unsafe conditions like freezing rain or poor braking action due to ice. The senators should be applauding the airlines for their superb safety record and their refusal to operate in unsafe conditions rather than threatening to penalize them for doing the right thing.Re: “No justice for abused animals,” by Sharon Grigsby, Jan.