Utility giant National Grid is planning to eliminate fossil fuels from its heating systems in New York state and Massachusetts by 2050, primarily by expanding the use of electric heat pumps and sourcing more renewable natural gas (RNG), the company said Monday.
The sun, appearing orange due to smoke haze from forest fires, rises behind the skyline in New York City, New York, U.S., July 21, 2021. REUTERS/Bjoern Kils/New York Media BoatThe company and law firm names shown above are generated automatically based on the text of the article. We are improving this feature as we continue to test and develop in beta. We welcome feedback, which you can provide using the feedback tab on the right of the page.
Currently, approximately 57% of New York and Massachusetts building heating systems run on natural gas while 25% run on oil. National Grid aims to serve 10-20% of gas demand with renewable natural gas by 2030, the company said, while converting a majority of customers who heat with oil to electric heat pumps by that year.