“I don’t think it’s anyone’s business where I live. I’m a famous musician,” the “Heading South” hitmaker told a cop who pulled him over for speeding.
The “Heading South” hitmaker was told he was pulled over in Verdigris, Okla. for going 68 in a 50mph speed limit, footageAsked for his current address, Bryan, 27, says after a pause: “I’m not really comfortable sharing that.”
“You have to,” the officer responds. “Either you can give me the information I need for my ticket I’m going to give you, or you can go to jail.”“I don’t think it’s any of your business where I live — I’m a famous musician and I don’t want people knowing where I live,” he says with clear contempt. Newly revealed bodycam footage shows Zach Bryan being handcuffed while telling a cop he’s too famous to give him his address.The “Heading South” hitmaker was told he was pulled over in Verdigris, Okla. for going 68 in a 50mph speed limit.The cop then challenges Bryan over whether he really supports law enforcement, telling him he had just attended his concert a couple of days prior to the traffic stop.
Asked for his current address, Bryan, 27, says after a pause: “I’m not really comfortable sharing that.”Three days after the initial traffic stop, Bryan was taken to jail for mouthing off to another officer.“I was just going to give you a normal speeding ticket,” the officer told the star. “When they start refusing information, I don’t recognize you from Adam. I’m out here on a dark roadway, OK?”