Pulsar Content (“The Deep House”) has secured worldwide sales on “Dragon Princess,” an ambitious animated feature produced by Ankama, the thriving French studio behind the i…
Directed by Jean-Jacques Denis and Anthony Roux, “Dragon Princess” tells the story of Bristle, a little girl who is being raised by dragons. When her father is forced to give up his second most valuable possession to Sorcerog, a witch frog, he offers up Bristle. Falling into despair, the little girl flees the family cave and embarks on a journey of discovery in the world of humans. She learns the meaning of friendship and solidarity – and greed, which seems to eat away at men’s heart.
Pulsar Content will introduce “Dragon Princess” to international buyers at the Unifrance Rendez-Vous in Paris, which kicks off this week. “Dragon Princess” marks the first animation acquisition of Pulsar Content, the Paris-based outfit launched byand Gilles Sousa in 2019. The company has been handling a mix of genre movies, such as “The Deep House,” psychological thrillers like “A Perfect Enemy,” and Cannes’ Critics Week pic “Olga.”