What should you get for your significant other’s mother this holiday season? Or for your friends with kids? Or the TikTok lovers in your life? TheCut's gift guide has you covered
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Retailers All year long, we can think of so many things we want. However, when the holidays come along, our minds seem to go blank. What should I get my new boyfriend’s mother? Or my sister, who watches Emily Mariko videos? We have a guide for you. Right this way …
$160 at Sandy Liang Buy @media screen and { .page-header .disclaimer-text_revenue { display: block; } } @media screen and { .tertiary .disclaimer-text_revenue { display: block; } } A gift for the TikTok lover TooD Beauty Turn It On Soap Brows $24 I realize I’m a little bit late to the soap-brow trend, but I want to put in a word for TooD’s “Turn It On Soap Brows,” which I’ll be gifting to all my girlfriends and probably my boyfriend this Christmas.
$750 at MatchesFashion Buy @media screen and { .page-header .disclaimer-text_revenue { display: block; } } @media screen and { .tertiary .disclaimer-text_revenue { display: block; } } The gift for the beauty obsessive Crown Affair The Towel $45 $45 Photo: Crown Affair I know that $45 is a lot to pay for a towel, which is exactly why this is a great gift. This Crown Affair microfiber towel, made in Korea, is the most absorbent and stylish one on the market.
$92 at Matter of Fact Buy The gift for people afraid of awkwardness Liberty Puzzles The Pink Tablecloth $75 Puzzling is a game of little victories. In the case of this Liberty Puzzles one, 756 little victories to be exact. Unlike the flimsy cardboard puzzles of my youth, each piece is carved from wood, which makes it intensely satisfying when you find the right one and snap it into place. For $75, you won’t have to worry about something “to do” when you’re with family. —K.H.