Trump's disinformation campaign is succeeding — at least among the voters and donors he will need if he runs again. And it's making violence around future elections more likely.
Republicans used redistricting to rack up gains a decade ago; now, they aim to shore up incumbents. Democrats hope to gain ground in some big states.In fact, Biden won the election decisively — whether measured by the popular vote or by electoral votes . It was not a close election.
Another survey, the Economist/YouGov poll, found that election denialism has been growing. In January, only 33% of Republicans said Biden won the presidency “legitimately”; last month, it was down to 26%. “About 65 million Americans believe that Joe Biden stole the election and is an illegitimate president,” Robert A. Pape, a terrorism expert at the University of Chicago, told me last week. “That’s a lot of people.”
“We know that only a small fraction of people who say they are willing to engage in violence will ultimately do so,” he added. “So the size of the pool is important.