Janet Jackson night on the ninth episode of Dancing With the Stars probably wasn't up to Ms. Jackson's standards.
Get a head start on your holiday shopping at Amazon, Target, Best Buy, and more.Cody and Cheryl are reading this. They have to be. I’ve been blathering about their dynamic—that of two surly vaudevillians about to be famous for that tragic stabbing the cold, dark winter of ’21—and now lookey here. Dancing to a little ditty about black cats and death, Cody just tossing Cheryl to the back of the stage like a heap of rags not even good enough to stitch new tent flaps at the old ten-in-one.
Much like the 12-year-olds in those boy/girl garage parties of yore, sweating into each other’s palms while someone’s mom chaperones through the kitchen window, Liv J seems to intuit what this song is about, feel deeply humiliated by it, and smile through her little routine despite the mortification of it all.Of all the performances on Monday night, this one understood the assignment the least.